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Abu Dhabi
December 12, 2024

Grade 12 student at GIIS Abu Dhabi got featured by music maestro Mr. Sheykhar Ravjiani!

Zehlin, a Grade 12 student at GIIS Abu Dhabi, was recently featured by global music icon Mr. Sheykhar Ravjiani under his independent label Garuudaa. ‘Ishq-E-Mareez’ featuring Zehlin, has been making headlines since the release. The student also got an opportunity to join the team at the press conference organised in Mumbai, India by Global Schools Group.


The extraordinary journey began when Mr. Sheykhar visited GIIS Abu Dhabi campus for the Leadership Lecture Series and Masterclass. It was during this visit that he handpicked Zehlin, recognising her exceptional musical talent. From there, Zehlin was mentored under Global Schools Sheykhar Ravjiani School of Music.


Zehlin's success story serves as an inspiration for students everywhere, demonstrating that dreams can indeed turn into reality. Her journey from a GIIS student to a growing star on a global platform highlights the importance of providing opportunities to young talents.


At GIIS, we are committed to nurturing and supporting the dreams of our students. As we celebrate Zehlin's success, let it serve as a reminder to all our students that the path to achieving their dreams is within reach, and at GIIS, we stand committed to guiding and supporting them in every step of their journey. Dreams do come true, and we believe in making them a reality for every aspiring talent at GIIS.


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